House of creative slashers.

The different angles of the statue. 

41st Hong Kong Film Awards | Branding 第四十一屆香港電影金像獎主視覺

The event was backed to its home venue - the Hong Kong Cultural Center and also organising the Red Carpet in front of the infamous Victoria Harbour. How to fit the branding into a gala-like event after the 3 years of the pademic would be the biggest challenge.

Not much audience have really get a close look into the Award details and also the golden godess statue. At the first year of the new decades, maybe it will be a good chance to raise that interest...

Seeing the different angles of the statue also indicating watching the different angles of the film industry. From the logo to the key visuals, we have use that as a concept and apply to all the items while maintaining the gala vibe to celebrate with all the participants.


所以今年設計第41屆標誌和主視覺的時候,只想表達一件事 : 同一樣事情,用不同角度去看,就會發現更有趣的事情。

首兩張視覺設計先從不同的角度去表達金像獎女神,想大家去留意不同的細節,一步一步去留意香港電影金像獎這盛事的發展。而到了最後主視覺用俯視角度去表達金像獎的女神美態,下面一班進場的電影人緩緩步入進場, 用華麗而又簡單有力的手法去呈現這件電影界盛事!"

Thank you @visualtailors for leading the project and huge shout out to @ber_ @chungxaloofness for working it out together.
CGI: @back.guys
Creative Director: @madadayo
Creative Director: @wongchunn
Art Director: @ahongcheung

The 41 degree

Visual - Pattern1

Visual - Pattern2

Visual - Phase 3

Visual - Phase 2

Visual - Phase 1

In front of the Victoria Harbour

At the Hong Kong Cultural Center